Typically the Self-Observing, Self-Organizing Nervous Program

Coming from the moment we come into this world, there's a part of our brain and nervous system that starts assessing what is safe and what is not safe when it comes to survival. This very sensitive part of our nervous system is a part that gathers information by 'feeling' into our society. There's no thinking involved. We're just reaching out into our society through this feeling and sensing part of our nervous system. Through this very sensitive part of our nervous system, we make very fine discernments about our relationship with ourself, others and the world by relating to them on a subtle enthusiastic level. When our nervous system deems that some experience is not safe, parenthetically it's a sensorial experience of some feelings in our bodies, our system uses tension to sequester the offending energy, to lock it down, to keep it motionless; essentially to keep us from experiencing this thing that has been defined as unsafe.

This survival development is a bundle that is tied together through an intricate weaving of physical, emotional and mental components. The physical component of this process involves physical tension, a change in physical posture, a mechanical stretching of the spinal cord and structural changes to the spine. Since we mature emotionally, part of our emotional intelligence becomes stunted because the sequestered energy has an emotional component to it which has been considered unsafe to feel. Later on on, as our mental capacity develops, we apply thoughts and stories to help support this your survival programming that may have been installed in years past. If this physical/emotional/mental complex is going to melt completely, all three elements must be affected. If perhaps one side of the triangle is affected, the momentum of the other two sides will reassert the pattern and pressure the one side to resort to its old relationship to the other two sides.

Furthermore, our nervous systems are self-observing, self-organizing systems. Your nervous system is observing the state of your body and setting up a billion choices in this very instant that you don't have to spend any time thinking about. It's busting down the food you just ate and switching it into you. It's making decisions about your stress and temperature and body chemistry; constantly keeping all of these things in a delicate balance. Your own nervous system is accountable for regulating your immune system; making on going decisions that allow for the most efficient adaptation to your surroundings.

Both survival programming and resources Best Niacin can be accessed through the body. Right now there are specific parts of our bodies that are anchors for the survival patterns in our systems, parts that result in sequestered energy, parts that are disconnected, elements where information is not freely moving. It's like a circuit breaker has been tripped and the system only can really play out the survival design in those particular components.

Then there are specific parts of our bodies that are anchors for what's resourced in our systems, parts that are linked, parts where there is a free-flow of information, parts where there is 'available, free energy, ' parts that result in a reservoir of resource.

Conventional chiropractic, the chiropractic that the majority of individuals will think of when they hear the word chiropractic, works largely with the physical/structural facet of the survival complex, leaving out the mental and emotional components. That's why it's common for individuals to report having experienced great physical relief from the chiropractic adjustment, only to find that their body seems to eventually resort to its former misaligned state, requiring another adjustment, and the pattern repeats itself. That was my experience so many years ago. I saw many different standard chiropractors on a regular basis for a long time and I definitely experienced changes and a lot of alleviation. But the changes and the relief didn't keep deepening; they seemed to bottom part out at some point. That's when I started exploring other avenues for healing. It wasn't until I stumbled after Community Spinal Analysis that things started to move again.


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